Accommodations and Special Needs
ACCOMMODATIONS AND SPECIAL NEEDS in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008, and college policy, all members of the college community are responsible for ensuring that students are not discriminated against because of a disability. To accomplish this goal, reasonable and appropriate accommodations may be necessary for physical and/or programmatic access. We are committed to providing an equal opportunity educational experience for our students, and reasonable access accommodations will be granted to students who qualify.
Students who believe they require accommodations, even on a temporary basis, can submit their requests in writing to the Administrative Dean of the College, documenting their disability. SAGU AIC may not be able to satisfy requests which are not made in a timely manner. Generally, requests for accommodations must be made no later than four (4) weeks prior to the anticipated need. Please allow adequate time for evaluating request and arranging accommodations.
Requirements for documentation at SAGU AIC are based on Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Best Practices. Documentation of the disability must be current (not older than 1 year) and provided by a qualified health care professional such as a diagnosing or current physician, psychiatrist or psychologist. Disability documentation must include the following:
- A specific diagnosis or description of the disability from a qualified health care professional such as a diagnosing or current physician, psychiatrist or psychologist. This must be current (not older than 1 year). A high school IEP is not considered acceptable documentation.
- Description of all current functional limitations due to the disability on the student’s ability to meet class requirements or participate in other SAGU AIC activities.
- A complete description of suggested accommodations that your qualified health care professional feels might assist in the educational environment. All documentation must be signed, dated and on the official letterhead of your qualified health care professional. Incomplete or inadequate documentation will be returned. SAGU AIC reserves the right to verify all professional documentation and determine reasonable accommodation for any disability, including learning disability. Please note that all costs associated with obtaining and providing the required professional documentation are borne by the student. Students who wish to appeal the decision or who have concerns about their accommodations should contact the Administrative Dean of the College. Formal complaints are reviewed in keeping with SAGU AIC policies as described in the Catalog and Student Handbook. For more information contact the Executive Vice-President and Administrative Dean of the College at 602-944-3335 ext. 231