Teaching Degree in Elementary Education
Become proficient in content areas from preschool through sixth grade. You will learn to design and implement elementary instruction and assessment based on state curriculum guidelines, create positive, productive classroom environments, and develop appropriate classroom management strategies. The SAGU AIC bachelor’s degree in teaching education leads toward Texas teacher certification.
As part of this program, you have access to the following courses.
Elementary Concentration (Grades 1-8)
- Educator Assessment
- Technology for Education
- Foundations and Methods of Structured English Immersion
- Foundations of Education
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educating Exceptional Children
- Cultural Diversity in the Classroom EC-8
- Methods for Instruction in the Arts
- Methods of Mathematics Instruction EC-8
- Assessment and Evaluation EC-8
- Methods of Social Studies Instruction EC-8
- Methods of Science Instruction EC-8
- Classroom Management EC-8
- Children’s Literature
- Foundations of Literacy Instruction
- Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
- Literacy Assessment and Instruction
- Student Teaching (Total of 12 credit hours)
Ruth Urquidy – Admissions Counselor
(602) 944-3335 ext. 215
[email protected]
Brisa Ellis – Admissions Counselor
(602) 944-3335 ext. 232
[email protected]